Head of School’s Blog – 28 March 2024

It is hard to believe that we are now at the end of the Spring term, 2024 seems to be moving at a rapid rate. Next term is a big term for our Year 11 as they start their formal GCSE exams, so we wish them luck preparing for these over the holidays and we look forward to welcoming them back and helping to support them through this rite of passage.
Please remember to book for Year 10 parents evening on Thursday 18 April, this is between 4-7pm in person and appointments can be made through Arbor.
We wish students who are taking part in the Ski trip during the second half of the holidays a safe and enjoyable time, let’s hope for plenty of snow!
There have been so many amazing sporting fixtures taking place recently and I know that many of these are covered in the school newsletter, so please ensure you are looking at this communication. We have also been busily celebrating student success in our celebration assemblies, it is lovely to be able to shout loudly and proudly about student success.
It leaves me to wish you a safe and enjoyable Easter break. I very much hope you enjoy this time to recharge batteries and hopefully come back to some better weather in the summer term.