Headteacher's Blog - 10 January 2025
It has been an exciting week with which to start the new year. Whilst the cold weather has been biting, I have received a warm welcome from students, staff and parents.
I was delighted to appoint a number of Year 11 student leaders this week and look forward to seeing them help to lead the school.
The new year is a time for changing habits and I used this as the theme for my first set of assembly presentations to the student community. Walking around the school, I am struck by the kindness and friendship that students show towards one another on a regular basis. The conversations and discussions they have with me are helping me to settle into life at Medina.
It was great to see our Year 10 BTEC sports students supporting local primary schools yesterday as they helped to run the primary schools' sports hall athletics finals. Well done to them all.
I am looking forward to meeting some of you at the Year 9 Parents' Evening next week.
Mr Kam Bains
Student Leaders Update:
The end of last term saw potential Student Leaders from year 11 undertaking their interviews for the posts of Head Student and Prefects. All students were fantastic and demonstrated real passion when discussing their hopes for the students and future of Medina College.
It gives us great pleasure to, therefore, introduce our Year 11 Leadership Team:
Lexi and Louie will be taking the roles of Medina College Head Students and in supporting Prefect roles are Imogen, Lily and Oscar. We cannot wait to see them flourish within their newly found roles.